Episodes List
Episode 3.10 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Israel
(Again! Because how can we not?)
with Rabbi Maya Leibovich
Even saying the word “Israel” hurt right now. So we’re extra proud to be sharing (a bit belatedly) this interview with Israeli rabbi Maya Leibovich. Emma and Marci also share their thoughts and reflections one month after Oct. 7th. And we’ve shared some of our most recommended resources in the show-notes on our website.
Am Yisrael Chai and may all the world soon know peace. #bringthemhomeNOW
Episode Transcript Available
Episode 3.9 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' to Women Rabbis of the World!
In this episode Emma speaks with other female rabbis from all over the world who attended the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)’s Connections Conference, (including the incredible Ukrainian Rabbi Julia Gris, pictured here) .
Episode 3.8 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Israel (WOW!)
with Rabbi Dana Sharon
In this episode we chat with Israeli rabbi Dana Sharon about her important work on the front lines of Israel’s fight for democracy and equality! Learn about the Israeli organisations who she works with and hear about the current political and judicial crisis in Israel.
Episode 3.7 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Fat Torah
with Rabbi Minna Bromberg
Don’t know what Fat Torah is? Don’t worry, Rabbi Minna Bromberg will explain it all! This wise woman is so inspirational and we can’t wait to share her with you!
Episode 3.6 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About
How It Might Have Happened
with Rabbi Leah Berkowitz
and Ricki Wovsaniker
Rabbi Leah Berkowitz is back! And with her is the co-author of her new book “Maybe it Happened This Way”, Ricki (Erica) Wovsaniker! Join us as we learn all about their awesome collaboration and hear a bit about their awesome selves as well! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 3.5 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Mental Health
with Rabbi Sandra Cohen
Join us for this incredibly important conversation with Rabbi Cohen, who shares with us valuable insights and resources relating to mental health, as well as her own story (yes, Rabbis struggle with mental illness too!).
Episode 3.4 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Getting Educated about Educators with Rabbi Stacy Rigler
The awesome Executive Director of ARJE (The Association of Reform Jewish Educators) takes us to the next level as she beautifully explains everything we could ever want to know about Rabbi-Educators & why they are so valuable in our Jewish education spaces! We also have a timely chat about the impact of anti-semitism on Jewish education & introduce some lesser-known women on whose shoulders we stand. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 3.3 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About The Jewish Rally
for Abortion Justice
On May 17, 2022, a large “Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice” was held in Washington, DC. Marci attended and captured the thoughts of more than twenty of her colleagues as they marched for women’s rights, reproductive rights for all pregnant individuals, and basic health care rights. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 3.2 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Abortions
with Rabbi Rachael Pass
Join us for this very important (dare we say groundbreaking?) conversation with Rabbi Rachael Pass about Jewish views on abortions and why (most) women rabbis don’t share about their personal experiences of abortion. This is an episode we are particularly proud of so don’t miss out! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 3.1 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Where Have You Been?
(with our hosts Emma & Marci)
And….we’re back! You may have noticed we disappeared for a while. Want to know why? Tune in to find out! In this episode, Rabbis Marci & Emma also discuss whether or not they apologise too often, and if Valentines Day is Jewish (or not so much). Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.10 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Foster Care
& Adoption
with Rabbi Cantor Raina Siroty
Episode 2.10 TranscriptIn this episode we welcome guest Rabbi Cantor Raina Siroty (yes, she was actually fully ordained with both titles! Whoa!). Raina talks with us about the true Mitzvah of Foster Care as well as adoption of children in need of families. She is a superstar of a clergy person and a mom, and we really enjoyed talking with her. Bonus: she ends the episode by blessing ALL of us. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.9 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Online Communities
with Rabbi Heather Miller
We were thrilled to welcome Rabbi Heather Miller, the entrepreneurial creator of the online Jewish community, Keeping it Sacred. In this episode, Rabbi Miller teaches us about following one’s heart, how our rabbinic work honors those who come before us, and the ways that she led the way in creating an online community before they became a necessity in the post-COVID world.
Bonus Episode! (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About The Women's Rabbinic Network Convention!
We welcome back our Consulting Correspondents (our Corresponding Consultants?) Rabbi Elisa Koppel and Rabbi Leah Berkowitz for a review of the highlights of the recent WRN (Women’s Rabbinic Network) Convention: Journey to 50! The Convention, celebrated virtually over Zoom, focused on five decades of women rabbis, and the coming 50th anniversary of the ordination of Rabbi Sally Priesand, the very first woman rabbi ordained in North America. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.8 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Does Size Matter?
Talkin' About Rabbinic Career Paths with Rabbi Tamar Grimm
Rabbi Tamar Grimm shares with us important thoughts about how we evaluate success in our own rabbinates. What are the external and internal pressures, benchmarks and factors in our personal lives that lead us to the decisions we make about our rabbinates?Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.7 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Liberal Zionism
with Rabbi Lea Muhlstein
It’s not always easy to feel passionate about Israel and passionate about liberal, progressive ideals. Rabbi Lea Muhlstein serves as the Chair of Arzenu Olami, the International Federation of Reform and Progressive Liberal Zionists. She is also a Co-Senior Rabbi at the Ark Synagogue in London. Plus – what to think about all the Evangelical “Zionists” and what they really think about us! We were thrilled to talk with her, and we know you’ll love hearing from her, too! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.6 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Race and the Rabbinate with Rabbi Ruth Abusch-Magder
Wait, there are Jews who aren’t Askenazic from Eastern Europe? Black Lives Matter isn’t just about THEM? There are rabbis and cantors who aren’t WHITE? This episode, we are honored to talk with Rabbi Ruth Abusch-Magder, Ph.D., Education Director and Rabbi-in-Residence at Be’Chol Lashon. We learn more about the very important work going on in the area of racial and cultural diversity and inclusion. Enjoy! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.5 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' with Sofia Zway:
Becoming a Rabbi in a Pandemic
We chat with rabbinical student Sofia Zway about how the pandemic has changed the experience of rabbinical studies and internships. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.4 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Our Comfy Pants
with Rabbi Leah Berkowitz
Just in time for Purim! We are so excited to welcome back our THREE-PETE guest, Rabbi Leah Berkowitz to talk about her awesome new children’s book, a rhyming feminist fairytale called “Queen Vashti’s Comfy Pants” (available through PJ Library or Behrman House)! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.3 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' With RBG's Rabbi -
Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt
Join us to hear Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt share, for the first time, her incredible story of meeting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, becoming her Rabbi, and officiating at arguably the most notable funeral of 2020. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.2 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Talkin' About Politics (What Else?!)
with Rabbi Lauren Berkun
Rabbi Lauren Berkun, who gave the invocation earlier this year at the DNC, talks to us about rabbis and politics. How do we determine what we do and don’t say and where we can and can’t say it?Episode Transcript Available
Episode 2.1 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Season 2 Opener:
Talkin' About The 2020 Of It All
Rabbis Marci Bellows and Emma Gottlieb catch up on the past months, the changed world, what’s been lost, what’s been learned and do we dare look ahead? Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.14 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Denise Eger:
Talkin’ to the Most Famous Lesbian Rabbi in the World!
Episode 1.13 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Miri Gold: Women. Rabbis. Israel.
Rabbi Miri Gold talks to us about being the third woman to be ordained as a rabbi in Israel and the groundbreaking work she’s been doing ever since, with some historic glass ceilings getting broken along the way as well! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.12 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman:
Talkin’ About the Transformative Power of Inclusive Torah
It’s Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month #JDAIM2020 so who better to talk to than Rabbi Lauren Tuchman, the first blind woman in the world to become a Rabbi? Rabbi Tuchman talks to us about inclusion, ally-ship and accommodation. Where is the Jewish community getting it right and where can we be doing better? Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.11 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Back To School with Rabbinical Student Emily Holtzman!
Rabbinical student Emily Holtzman talks with us about the joys and oys of rabbinical school: How do they choose which school to attend? What do they do all day? What happens when they have unique learning needs or health concerns? How do they get a date? If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a rabbinical student, this “tell all” episode is for you! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.10 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Karen Perolman:
Talkin’ About What Women Rabbis Wear
For our 10th episode (hooray!) Rabbi Karen Perolman tells us about her instagram account @theclergycloset and why what we wear matters (both on and off the bimah!). Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.9 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Jill Zimmerman: Rabbi-at-Large
You’ve heard of “taking it to the street” but Rabbi Jill Zimmerman takes it to the Tweet! Join us as Rabbi Zimmerman talks to us about her online rabbinate, where she shares her passion for mindfulness from the perspective of Judaism, and Judaism from the perspective of mindfulness. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.8 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Celia Surget:
Talkin’ About Multi-National Rabbinates
Rabbi Celia Surget joins us at the URJ Biennial! She tells us all about her experiences as a Jew growing up in Switzerland and as a rabbi in France and England. Together, we ponder the growing reality of antisemitism across continents. Plus, if you’ve ever wondered how to address a woman rabbi (or any rabbi) in French, this is the episode for you! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.7 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Live from the URJ Biennial!
Episode 1.6 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Karyn Kedar: Talkin’ About Amen!
Rabbi Karyn Kedar talks to us about her beautiful poetry/prayers and about saying Amen to all of life’s experiences (not just the good ones). Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.5 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Jessica Marshall:
Juicy Soul Tribes
Rabbi Marshall talks to us about dancing between being a rabbi and a mystic, about innovative nature-based rituals and about a feminist approach to entrepreneurialism. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.4 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Mary Zamore: Talkin' About why women rabbis need their own network
Rabbi Zamore talks to us about the Women’s Rabbinic Network and about her recent publications, one of which is NOT a cookbook! Also featuring a mini-interview with rabbinical student Jessica Jacobs from JStreet! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.3 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Leah Berkowitz:
Talkin’ About Beautiful Things
Rabbi Leah Berkowitz talks to us about her beautiful new children’s book, publishing challenges and tips for women, and other fun stuff! Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.2 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes
Rabbi Elisa Koppel:
What do women rabbis talk about?
Our very first ever guest, Rabbi Elisa Koppel, discusses what women rabbis do and don’t talk about and whether or not “rainbow” is a color. Episode Transcript Available
Episode 1.1 (Listen Here)
Episode Notes